Registre d’imatges
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Browsing and exploration of video sequences: a new scheme for key frame extraction and 3D visualization using entropy based Jensen divergence |
Xu, Qing
; Liu, Yu
; Li, Xiu
; Yang, Zhen
; Wang, Jie
; Sbert, Mateu
; Scopigno, Riccardo
2014 |
Browsing and exploration of video sequences: a new scheme for key frame extraction and 3D visualization using entropy based Jensen divergence |
Xu, Qing
; Liu, Yu
; Li, Xiu
; Yang, Zhen
; Wang, Jie
; Sbert, Mateu
; Scopigno, Riccardo
Multiresolution image registration based on tree data structures |
Bardera i Reig, Antoni
; Boada, Imma
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
; Rigau Vilalta, Jaume
; Sbert, Mateu
1 juliol 2011 |
Multiresolution image registration based on tree data structures |
Bardera i Reig, Antoni
; Boada, Imma
; Feixas Feixas, Miquel
; Rigau Vilalta, Jaume
; Sbert, Mateu
20 novembre 2008 |
New medical registration and segmentation techniques using information-theoretic tools |
Bardera i Reig, Antoni
New medical registration and segmentation techniques using information-theoretic tools |
Bardera i Reig, Antoni